I'm Juan Herrera.✅ I communicate through the art of magic, my great passion.✅ Tech enthusiast pursuing interests in product and business development.💼 Product Manager at Astroline.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -Arthur C. Clarke

🚗 Velezuma - Shared transport
During my first year as a University student I lived in my hometown, Velez-Malaga, 50 kilometers away. Buses left very early in the morning. Many students could not afford a car.
That's how the idea of carpooling came about. My cousin and I created three WhatsApp and Telegram groups. Today, they have more than 750 students making the same trip every morning.I launched a web application to explain the rules and give access to the groups to drivers and passengers.

♠️ Magic Master - Online Magic Academy

One day I asked myself a question. If I had to learn magic all over again, how would I do it?
My purpose with Magic Master is that anyone can learn my vision of magic with a learning path, explaining the effects and the psychology behind them. That's how you get the emotional impact.

After years I realized that a good magician is not the one who knows the most tricks, but the one who manages to move the audience with his magic.

📚 Relatos Cortos - Online ShopDuring my first years as a student I wrote two short stories. They were awarded by my high school and a local newspaper (Diario El Sur). I decided to sell them online.

The total profit obtained from these stories has been donated to the association Anne Axarquia in Velez-Malaga, in favor of children with special educational needs.

📽 Roda2Cine - Film BlogMy first touch with web design and online writing, sharing another great passion for me. In 2022 I replaced the blog with a Notion database containing the movies of my life.